Thursday, September 18, 2008
Working the Streets
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Our History
Almost two years ago a buddy of mine and I worked months on a project to facilitate college students with jobs that focused on their majors, while they were still in college. We entered a business plan competition that involved not only our unique business hiring structure, but focused on an online store for 72-hour kits. During our creation of this plan I worked to give ourselves some sort of name. While spending an evening at an old associate’s home in Rexburg, Idaho, I noticed a statue of a horse drawn chariot. It intrigued me and for some reason stood out. I said to my friend that was with me, "That's it! Chariot Marketing! I'll call our company Chariot Marketing." I later revealed to my partner my discovery who agreed to the name and so the company had been formed.
Most of those beginning months were served towards learning online marketing and how to form a business properly. Over time and because of circumstances the plan was put to the side and left alone.
Then in January 2008 I began a job at a company called I learned more than I could imagine about online marketing. So much, that had my partner and I gone forward with our plans to use PPC in our online campaign the year before we were sure to have failed.
Because of the understanding I have now of SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click) advertising, I decided to create a few other solutions and launch back into owning my own business. I left Orangesoda as an employee and have partnered with them to sell their products; which are the best on the market right now as it pertains to small businesses. Our other solutions for businesses include online marketing consulting, and web solutions. All of this makes a complete solution for a business just starting out. Customers can have a website designed, have traffic flow to it and have all of that being analyzed and function together properly through Chariot Marketing.
This blog not only serves as a way to tell about our company and what we do and what ways you can improve your online marketing; but it is a journal of the adventures and growth that is occurring in our company. Enjoy!